Title of Series: Varied Edition with Additions – First Edition 

·     Description: My second attempt at understanding and pushing the ideas of documentation. I used a soft pallet and traced images to develop shapes and moments that I never want to forget. 

·     Date: March 2020 

·     Medium: silkscreen 


 1 “Cundinamarca, Bogotá - Backyard”

·     Edition: 20/20

For sale:3

2 ”Cra. 96 ##156b-18, Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia –Stairs”

·     Edition: 20/20

For sale: 3

 3 ”Bogota, Colombia- apartment building” 

·     Edition: 20/20

For sale: 6

 4 ”Cartagena , Colombia- sky” 

·     Edition: 15/15

For sale: 3

 5 “Museo Nacional de Colombia – figure”

·     Edition: 20/20

 For sale: 1 

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