Title: The Brazilian in Me (Instillation)
documentation images below
Date: September/October 2020
medium: silkscreened on a variety of materials
first body of work completed doing my masters.
I was exploring connections of mother daughter relationship and reflecting on my own idea of belonging and places I find comfort. I use text and images to experiment will different ways or creating connections. The themes of self, femininity and heritage . Understanding where I stand within my own family and the women who raised me (my mother’s brazilina side). I explored this through approaching and trying to visualize what timeless means. For me it has always meant the beach, simple clothes and greenery. I tried to incorporate all of those ideas into my work. I chose to approach it as an installation and play with positioning and layering. The second aspect/ moving forward was after my initial printing I went back and reprinted both the postcards (using the CMYK method but with the changing of angles) and a full edition of the two figures so that I could draw into them. While my method of making is very much inspired by collage I wanted to represent my ways of coloring. I find that I do not like the idea of many textural elements but rather prefer a seamless blend.