Title: "Three Chairs and One Bust/ Love Always, Isa"
2021 First Year MFA Print Media Show
A curated collection of work that was produced during my first year at PNCA. My work is an exploration of colours, patterns and images of my upbringing. Much of the text and silkscreened photographs are sourced from my publication created in Fall 2020 titled “Love Always, Isa”. “Three Chairs” was inspired by my Brazilian identity of being a ‘Garota’ and the market bags we used to bring back from Brazil. I’ve never seen my parents go to the store without them. They were strong and carried the foods that nourished me as I grew. As children we went to Brazil every other year to see family and enjoy all the wonders of Brazil. These moments of my childhood I hold deeply because I understood home is love not a place. One Bust was made in response to the lack of representation of the non-European bodies within institutions. I have experienced the lack of care to this concern time and time again. Because I was adopted, I carry the weight of having no history. The system didn’t give me anything to hold on to because I am not the Western body. Within that space is where One Bust was made. I would sit and wish I saw myself reflected in the world around me. I am learning to accept the identity of being my mother’s child. This work was made in collaboration with the memories of my childhood. The wallpaper is my identity, little moments of my story. The work is centered around transforming a space into moments and memories that speak to my intersectionality and nuances of being. I thank those who have shaped me through nurturing and loving.
Medium: Silkscreen on Varied Papers, Collage, Wheat Pasted and Digitally Printed Elements
Size: 4 framed 20x37 inches pieces
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